Consistent pressure by the People is moving the needle. Now for the officials to quit playing games with our constitutional rights and give the conduct of the elections back to the People! Great write up Nichole. Thank you.

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Ohhhhhhh our worthless auditors! So I wonder the reason they want soul authority? Still shouldn't take away the objective to petition which every county should be putting on their agenda AGAIN for 2025!

On the other hand, it's easier to get rid of 1 auditor vs a handful of commissioners!

Finally, the BOE can scream all they want. They can push it, but they have no say in election laws!

Keep up the fight, get the people involved, lots of people! That's how we win!

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KEEP AT IT brother!!

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Every word rings true Nichole sent this to many who are not aware of these facts

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I was at the board meeting. I timed Frankenstein’s paid for 33 min lecture about the Sd constitution to citizens who were aware and using the rights given in our constitution. Held my phone up with others when bob announced that nichol had a “few” min to talk. Watched as bob looked over with a threading look at Kate who firmly objected to nichol an individual citizen of Lawerence county not paid for presenting a petition for paper ballots. Watched as Kate also claimed her time presenting “facts” why this petition for paper ballots was necessary. Reading the description of this event was great confirmation I am not the only one who saw the evidence of corruption and deliberately voiding the constitutional rights of the citizens the board of commissioners are suppose to be representing. Bob and the boys view themselves as the dictators of Lawerence county. I say they are out of control and citizens of Lawerence county are not being silenced. Forward Kate has gone to the Supreme Court rights have and are being trampled. Each persons action taken no matter how small is the only way back to constitutional governance if our county

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Kate is an absolute warrior! I’m blessed to be in the fight with her. She doesn’t give up!

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Join with Nebraska counties Douglas, Sarpy, Lancaster, and hopefully Dodge - to form a 5 County WE THE PEOPLE ASSN. TO COMBAT THEIR Nat. Assn. Of Counties!

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